Darkmoon Faire spreadsheet
I did a huge overhaul on my Darkmoon Faire reputation calculator and card-collecting spreadsheet. It now has the four new trinkets in Cata and reflects the changes to the materials requirements for making cards. In the gold section I revamped the calculations - I included sections for average prices of Volatile/Eternal/Primal Life, which are in my opinion the hardest to acquire, and subtracted that from your price maximum before calculating other appropriate costs. It also calculates how much crystallized/motes of life would cost; I often find that it's cheaper to buy bits and bobs and assemble the Eternals/Primals myself.
The download is here. Please tell me what you think!
Resto raid gear
I updated the resto druid raid gear list to reflect the increased importance of Mastery over Crit in patch 4.0.6. This affected the rankings of Head, Neck, Cloak, Waist, Legs, and Rings pieces. Please have a look at the updated post here!
27 February 2011
25 February 2011
Things you can do in: Twilight Highlands
Twilight Highlands, a place where you can do these things.
Explore Twilight Highlands - Explore the named locations in Twilight Highlands. A map can be found here, or you can get the Tom Tom coordinates from this comment. Contributes to the meta-achievements Explore Cataclysm and World Explorer.
Fading into Twilight - Complete 95 quests in the zone. Contributes to the meta-achievement Loremaster of Cataclysm.
Consumed by Nightmare - Experience the 3 nightmares of Iso'rath, which may be these things. The quest chain begins with Paint it Black.
King of the Mountain - Complete the Twilight's Hammer quest chain, beginning with faction-specific intro quests, followed by the Maw of Madness, then the Vermillion Redoubt, then Initiate Goldmine, then to Garona/Mathias Shaw, and finally ending with Skullcrusher the Mountain.
Round Three, Fight! - Complete the Crucible of Carnage, the final quest being The Twilight Terror!
[H] Dragonmaw Tour of Duty - Kill the following Wildhammer NPCs (read comments for their spawn locations!): High Shaman MacKilligan, Dillan MacHurley, Gunwald Greybeard, Cliff Thundermar, Black Recluse, Korthalon.
[A] Wildhammer Tour of Duty - Kill the following Dragonmaw NPCs (totally not fair they only have to do 4!): Warlord Halthar, Karkrog the Exterminator, Black Recluse, Korthalon.
Consumed by Nightmare - Experience the 3 nightmares of Iso'rath, which may be these things. The quest chain begins with Paint it Black.
King of the Mountain - Complete the Twilight's Hammer quest chain, beginning with faction-specific intro quests, followed by the Maw of Madness, then the Vermillion Redoubt, then Initiate Goldmine, then to Garona/Mathias Shaw, and finally ending with Skullcrusher the Mountain.
Round Three, Fight! - Complete the Crucible of Carnage, the final quest being The Twilight Terror!
[H] Dragonmaw Tour of Duty - Kill the following Wildhammer NPCs (read comments for their spawn locations!): High Shaman MacKilligan, Dillan MacHurley, Gunwald Greybeard, Cliff Thundermar, Black Recluse, Korthalon.
[A] Wildhammer Tour of Duty - Kill the following Dragonmaw NPCs (totally not fair they only have to do 4!): Warlord Halthar, Karkrog the Exterminator, Black Recluse, Korthalon.
[Heroic] Grim Batol - Defeat Erudax. The heroic counts towards the metas Cataclysm Dungeon Hero and Defender of a Shattered World, and a guild group will earn credit for the Guild Cataclysm Dungeon Hero.
Umbrage for Umbriss - Kill General Umbriss while he is affected by the 20sec debuff Modgud's Malice applied when the malignant trogg dies. This counts for the meta Glory of the Cataclysm Hero.
* Unless kept cc'd, one malignant trogg spawns in each pack of trogg adds. When Umbriss enrages at 30% he stops summoning adds, so a malignant trogg must be cc'd at some point in the fight. When Umbriss is around 15%, kill the malignant trogg near him and then burn down Umbriss within 20 seconds. Remember that Umbriss will deal 100% more damage while affected by this debuff.
Don't Need to Break Eggs to Make an Omelet - Kill Erudax without any Faceless Corruptors casting Twilight Corruption on Alexstraza's eggs. This counts for the meta Glory of the Cataclysm Hero.
* Although the adds cannot be rooted, they can be slowed with Chains of Ice, Crippling Poison, Frostbolt, Frost Trap, and Slow. Burn them down before resuming DPS on the boss.
To All the Squirrels Who Cared for Me - Rattlesnake, Yellow-Bellied Marmot, and Highlands Turkey can be found in this zone.
Dragonmaw Clan - you can get to 4275 Friendly via quests (beginning at 0 Neutral and earning 7275 rep unbuffed). Grot Deathblow can be found at 53.9,42.1 in Bloodgulch in Twilight Highlands.
Wildhammer Clan - you can get to 185 Honored via quests (beginning at 0 Neutral and earning 9185 rep unbuffed). Craw MacGraw can be found at 48.6,38.7 in Thundermar in Twilight Highlands.
The Earthen Ring - you can get to 9395 Honored via quests (beginning at 4360 Honored after Deepholm quests and earning 5035 rep unbuffed). Provisioner Arok can be found at 49.1,42.1 in Silver Tide Hollow in Shimmering Expanse.
There are no obtainable companion pets for this zone.
There are no obtainable mounts for this zone.
You can fish Highland Guppy from inland pools, and Sharptooth and Striped Lurker from open inland water. These will count towards the meta achievement The Limnologist.
You can fish Murglesnout and Deepsea Sagefish, from open coastal water, and Algaefin Rockfish from coastal pools. These will count towards the meta achievement The Oceanographer.
You can acquire the following fish/meat for their accompanying recipe to get credit towards The Cataclysmic Gourmet. The number in parentheses is the total amount you will need to cook one of each recipe.
Sharptooth (3) - Fish Fry
22 February 2011
My Humble Blues
I'm really glad that I leveled Aka immediately with Cata's release. The curious transition from the end of one xpac to the beginning of the next is so infrequent that the unique experiences it provides are pretty limited. I remember reading posts from people who were excited to venture into heroics or raids raw, without the experience of videos and guides, and develop a strat out of their mistakes. Without a standard, there was less pressure to adhere to it and more freedom to make mistakes. I like that freedom - the idea that you are doing the best you can with what you have and that's a point of pride.
Leveling in Cata brought this home for me in terms of gear. Not that I'm a gear snob - I long supported dungeon-geared players in Wrath heroics. I did not forget the fact that heroics are designed to be done by those in dungeon and quest blues, not just ICC-geared badge farmers. And yet, I spent so long upgrading between epics, rather than green --> blue --> purple, that I forgot to take pride in the freshly dinged end of the gearing spectrum. My personal standard went up, and I felt rather unenthusiastic about my pally - how could I dare to tank a dungeon when I didn't have enough badges to buy even one piece of respectable gear?
My disdain for greens followed me into Cata. Replace my heroic ICC25 legs with a quest green? People will smell my inadequacy a mile off! The turnover was high, too. Not only was I dropping my coveted epics for quest greens, but the greens themselves were very quickly replaced within a few quests. It reinforced my elitist view of greens: they were so impermanent as to be worthless!
The amazing thing was that because I had been taken down a peg by all these greens, when I got blue upgrades in regular dungeons, I was happy. I was ecstatic to then replace them with heroic blues or JP pieces. The BiS list that I had was not from H Cho'gall or something equally lofty, but just the best heroic blues or reputation epics I could get my hands on. When I look at my character pane, I am deeply proud of my assorted blues, the merits of my hard work, the best I can do with what's available to me. Even the epics I do have put me slightly above the expected par for raiding - not everyone has access or funds for crafted or dropped BOEs.
It's awesome to zone into a raid and be impressed not that guildies have some higher level epics than others, but rather that they have any epics at all. It's even better to down a boss wearing H blues, to then get epics for a lucky few in the raid. This is how the game was intended to be played, not with misplaced snobbery against those who dared zone into Naxx without full tier.
Leveling in Cata brought this home for me in terms of gear. Not that I'm a gear snob - I long supported dungeon-geared players in Wrath heroics. I did not forget the fact that heroics are designed to be done by those in dungeon and quest blues, not just ICC-geared badge farmers. And yet, I spent so long upgrading between epics, rather than green --> blue --> purple, that I forgot to take pride in the freshly dinged end of the gearing spectrum. My personal standard went up, and I felt rather unenthusiastic about my pally - how could I dare to tank a dungeon when I didn't have enough badges to buy even one piece of respectable gear?
My disdain for greens followed me into Cata. Replace my heroic ICC25 legs with a quest green? People will smell my inadequacy a mile off! The turnover was high, too. Not only was I dropping my coveted epics for quest greens, but the greens themselves were very quickly replaced within a few quests. It reinforced my elitist view of greens: they were so impermanent as to be worthless!
The amazing thing was that because I had been taken down a peg by all these greens, when I got blue upgrades in regular dungeons, I was happy. I was ecstatic to then replace them with heroic blues or JP pieces. The BiS list that I had was not from H Cho'gall or something equally lofty, but just the best heroic blues or reputation epics I could get my hands on. When I look at my character pane, I am deeply proud of my assorted blues, the merits of my hard work, the best I can do with what's available to me. Even the epics I do have put me slightly above the expected par for raiding - not everyone has access or funds for crafted or dropped BOEs.
It's awesome to zone into a raid and be impressed not that guildies have some higher level epics than others, but rather that they have any epics at all. It's even better to down a boss wearing H blues, to then get epics for a lucky few in the raid. This is how the game was intended to be played, not with misplaced snobbery against those who dared zone into Naxx without full tier.
18 February 2011
Things you can do in: Uldum
In Uldum, a list of things you could do.
Explore Uldum - Explore the named locations in Uldum. A map can be found here, or you can get the Tom Tom coordinates from this comment. Contributes to the meta-achievements Explore Cataclysm and World Explorer.
Unearthing Uldum - Complete 108 quests in the zone. Contributes to the meta-achievement Loremaster of Cataclysm.
Help the Bombarrdier! I'm the Bombadier! - Kill 10 Schnottz Troopers with one blast while doing the Fire From the Sky quest or daily. I hate this quest so much!
[Heroic] Lost City of the Tol'vir - Defeat Siamat. The heroic counts towards the metas Cataclysm Dungeon Hero and Defender of a Shattered World, and a guild group will earn credit for the Guild Cataclysm Dungeon Hero.
Kill It With Fire! - Kill 3 Burning Souls during the Barim fight. This counts for the meta Glory of the Cataclysm Hero.
* Provided you don't wipe during the encounter, this is a cumulative amount (you can kill 1 during one lockout, and 2 in the next and get credit). After entering the spirit world phase at 50%, soul fragments will spawn to heal the Dark Hatchling. Moving them into the flame patches gives them a debuff, making them Burning Souls. When a player gets the debuff announcing that their soul is splitting, they should move to put fire between themselves at the hatchling, forcing the soul to walk through the fire and get the debuff. The souls can be stunned. You do not need to kill the boss to get this.
Acrocalypse Now - Kill 20 Frenzied Crocolisks in 10 seconds during the Lockmaw encounter. This counts for the meta Glory of the Cataclysm Hero.
* The crocolisks spawn in groups of 4, so you will need to kite or offtank then until 5 groups have spawned. They apply a stacking bleed debuff. It's possible (as of this writing) for the dps and healer to stand on the crocolisk statues behind the boss, thus evading the crocs and avoiding Scent of Blood and poison splashes. When all 20 crocolisks have arrived, unleash AOE!
Headed South - Kill Siamat while having 3 stacks of the debuff Lightning Charge. This is a personal achievement. This counts for the meta Glory of the Cataclysm Hero.
* Killing the last add spawned causes phase 2 to begin - even if the first 2 adds spawned are still alive. Kill the third add first, then kill the other two as needed to prolong the buff and get 3 stacks by the time Siamat is about to die. Melee adds can be rooted to prolong having to deal with them. If struggling, consider having 2 healers, or a swing dps/heals in addition to the dedicated healer. Because it is a personal achievement, it may be easier to get 2 or 3 people on one attempt, and the rest the next day.
[Heroic] The Vortex Pinnacle - Kill Asaad. The heroic counts towards the metas Cataclysm Dungeon Hero and Defender of a Shattered World, and a guild group will earn credit for the Guild Cataclysm Dungeon Hero.
Extra Credit Bonus Stage - Collect 5 Golden Orbs during one run of Vortex Pinnacle.
* These can be collected by any group member and is shared among all members. You can find a list of orb locations in this comment.
No Static at All - Don't get the Static Cling debuff at any point during the Asaad encounter.
* Asaad casts Static Cling throughout the fight after casting Chain Lightning, although the first cast is random. Jumping during the cast will prevent you from getting Static Cling. Some have said that dying during the encounter will also work. Levitate can also be used, however Ice Block and pally bubble cannot. This is a personal achievement.
[Heroic] Halls of Origination - Kill Rajh. The heroic counts towards the metas Cataclysm Dungeon Hero and Defender of a Shattered World, and a guild group will earn credit for the Guild Cataclysm Dungeon Hero.
I Hate That Song - Kill Anhuur without letting him sing Reverberating Hymn for more than 15 seconds.
* Every 33% Anhuur gains an invulnerable shield and channels the hymn. To bring down the shield you must use levers in the snake pit, however, the snakes will attack and interrupt the channel. Since they will respawn if killed, a well-geared tank and healer could have the tank pick up all the snakes before the fight and tank them throughout. Alternatively, a ranged dps and the healer can aggro the snakes before the dps jump down to get the levers. OR, the tank can jump down and aggro all the snakes, then run back to the boss while the dps are channeling the levers.
Straw That Broke the Camel's Back - Finish the Earthrager Ptah encounter still mounted on your camel.
* There are 5 camels that each party member can mount before beginning the encounter. You move at mounted speed and can cast and channel spells, so this is very convenient for the fight. It's an individual achievement, so provided you avoid the spikes and quicksand that damage your camel you should get this. The camels can also be healed.
Sun of a... - Kill Rajh before he completes an entire recharging phase.
* The boss starts out with 100 focus which is spent on each of his abilities. If he casts and interruptable attack (and it is successfully interrupted), that focus won't be lost. Also, tanking him in a corner means that more time will be spent walking into the center of the room to begin recharging. Remember to use Bloodlust and cooldowns, interrupt liberally, and don't waste too much time running around! If he hits 50% with 40 or more focus, reset.
Faster Than the Speed of Light - Kill all 4 minibosses in the Vault of Lights within 5 minutes of entering.
* Move as soon as Brann opens the doors, avoiding as many trogg packs as possible and killing each of the four minibosses. The achievement completes when the roleplay scene is finished, so there is no need to kill Anraphet. It is possible to soft reset the instance by porting out and waiting 30min for Brann to reset.
Ramkahen - you can get to 3490 Honored via quests (beginning at 0 Neutral and earning 12490 rep unbuffed). Blacksmith Abasi can be found at 54.1,33.3 in Ramkahen.
There are no obtainable companion pets for this zone.
Brown Riding Camel - sold by Blacksmith Abasi for 80g to those exalted with Ramkahen.
Tan Riding Camel - sold by Blacksmith Abasi for 80g to those exalted with Ramkahen.
Grey Riding Camel - dropped by Dormus the Camel-Hoarder, found in the Steam Pools. You must be teleported there after finding and looting a Mysterious Camel Figurine, which is classified as an NPC and targettable via macro. Most of the time the figurines will crumble into vendor-dust, but rarely they will teleport you to the steam pools in Feralas.
Tan Riding Camel - sold by Blacksmith Abasi for 80g to those exalted with Ramkahen.
Grey Riding Camel - dropped by Dormus the Camel-Hoarder, found in the Steam Pools. You must be teleported there after finding and looting a Mysterious Camel Figurine, which is classified as an NPC and targettable via macro. Most of the time the figurines will crumble into vendor-dust, but rarely they will teleport you to the steam pools in Feralas.
You can fish Blackbelly Mudfish from inland pools, and Sharptooth and Lavascale Catfish from open inland water. These will count towards the meta achievement The Limnologist.
You can fish Murglesnout and Deepsea Sagefish, from open coastal water, and Fathom Eel from coastal pools. These will count towards the meta achievement The Oceanographer.
You can fish Murglesnout and Deepsea Sagefish, from open coastal water, and Fathom Eel from coastal pools. These will count towards the meta achievement The Oceanographer.
You can acquire the following fish/meat for their accompanying recipe to get credit towards The Cataclysmic Gourmet. The number in parentheses is the total amount you will need to cook one of each recipe.
Crocolisk Tail (2) - Beer-Basted Crocolisk, Crocolisk Au Gratin
Blackbelly Mudfish (2) - Blackbelly Sushi, Mushroom Sauce Mudfish
Delicate Wing (5) - Broiled Dragon Feast, Feathered Lure
Deepsea Sagefish (2) - Delicious Sagefish Tail, Severed Sagefish Head
Lavascale Catfish (6) - Lavascale Fillet, Lavascale Minestrone, Seafood Magnifique
Fathom Eel ( 5) - Skewered Eel, Seafood Magnifique
Deepsea Sagefish (2) - Delicious Sagefish Tail, Severed Sagefish Head
Lavascale Catfish (6) - Lavascale Fillet, Lavascale Minestrone, Seafood Magnifique
Fathom Eel ( 5) - Skewered Eel, Seafood Magnifique
Sharptooth (3) - Fish Fry
16 February 2011
New patch, new me
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Before Magmaw |
Then, last week we got 3 bosses down on Wednesday, and 3 more on Thursday, a new record and our 6th progression kill. That brings us to Magmaw, Chimaeron, Omnitron, Atramedes, Halfus, and now Theralion & Valiona. The twins fight is really fun. I'm surprised at how quickly we got them - 3 steadily improved attempts and finally a kill! That fight is sort of like controlled mayhem...I think I like it. I also really like tank healing on Chimaeron. The worst part is struggling to get everyone topped up in the stack phase because it's so mana intensive, but I do enjoy my lol-dps time in the final phase.
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T&V kill shot |
I really wanted to keep it - I put it in my spec and used it in raids and was mostly pleased by it. Looking at my raid parses, on some fights Eff. was doing as much as 5% healing. I do like it, and my raid came to love the green puddles too. There's a certain pleasure in seeing Healing Rain and Eff. layered. But the talent tree change meant reassessing, and I decided not to take Efflorescence again. The reason is simple - because it's linked to Living Seed it costs 6 whole points, not 3, and Living Seed consistently sucks out loud. I can't justify those 6 points when I could be using them elsewhere (and I am). Please unlink Living Seed and Efflorescence! I'll gladly spec back into it, but not with Living Seed!!
I realize that pants are usually covered by robes (*grump* even though female Tauren look totally rad in pants), but I'm a wee bit disapointed at this tier's look. The pants are wholly unexciting, although the shoulders and helm are quite nice. Of course, I don't have the helm - instead I have the very exciting Engineering helm. I love the eccentric look :) I was also able to buy my epic shoes, although I'm not willing to shell out for Lavawalker quite yet.
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Aloof. Genius. |
I know what you're thinking. Shouldn't I have been done with this like a year ago?? Well, I put it off due to general laziness, the drive to get Cata quests done, to get exalted with all the reps, to do heroics, to get geared, to raid, to do friggin Archaeology. But a lot of that has been taken care of and that's kick started my Insane grinding again. I powered up my lock's enchanting and have been actively listing scrolls and bags in addition to the card trinkets I've accumulated, so I have funds to buy cards and mats again. I trawl the AH daily for cards - including non-epic ones!! My major deck card limit has increased to 50g and my minor card limit is around 2g. I'm frankly surprised at how successful I've been at selling the rewards of both. Because Cata decks are all the rage now I can finally afford Northrend cards as well, so I've been making more of those and putting all those Eternal Life and Frost Orbs to use. It's progressing nicely now - I just need to stop doing archaeology long enough for my rogue to finish farming lockboxes!
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The guild standard does not increase quest-related reputation gain. |
While I get the last of my zone achievement guides out, I'll also be updating my raid gear list to reflect the increased importance of mastery. Then I'll overhaul my Darkmoon Faire spreadsheet to include the new decks, the new rep bonuses, and the recipe gold breakdowns. When I finish the achievement lists I'll be putting them up on a new Guides page, along with others I've done. Look out for a few more posts inspired by my sudden feverish need to write guides, followed by some cheesy stories that I wrote in my free time at work.

darkmoon faire,
the insane
12 February 2011
Things you can do in: Deepholm
Some things you might do in Deepholm.
Explore Deepholm - See the locations listed. One of the easier ones to get, so long as you fly over all the different colors on the map. Contributes to the meta-achievements Explore Cataclysm and World Explorer.
Deep Into Deepholm - the zone quest achievement. Although it says 125 on the counter, it's actually 110 quests. Contributes to the meta-achievement Loremaster of Cataclysm.
Fungal Frenzy - Get all 4 debuffs from Poolstool, Shuffletruffle, Shrinkshroom, and Trapcap simultaneously.
* Each debuff lasts for 2 minutes, except for the Trapcap which has no debuff and therefore must be completed last. You get the debuff by destroying the mushrooms while on the Fungal Fury daily, which is offered by Gorsik the Tumultuous every day. Two minutes is very generous, and you should be able to get it in no time once you know what you are looking for.
My Very Own Broodmother - Complete The Restless Brood within 90 seconds of striking the resonating crystal.
* Anyone in combat with the broodmother gets credit for her surrender. If you see a battle already in progress, make sure that the questgiver is there (he is summoned when you strike the crystal), then jump into the battle and get credit for the surrender. AFTER the battle you can strike the crystal to get credit, then immediately turn it in. You get credit for the achievement when you turn in the quest.
Fungalophobia - Don't take any damage from Fungalmancer Glop's Boom Shrooms. You must be on the Glop, Son of Glop daily quest.
* This only refers to the Boom Shrooms that Glop throws at you during the fight, not the untargetable mushrooms in the cave. You can either avoid the mushrooms he throws or kill them. You get the achievement upon killing Glop.
The Glop Family Line - Complete the Glop, Son of Glop daily 10 times. This quest is only available sometimes, offered by Ruberick after you hit Revered with Therazane.
* I definitely recommend grouping for this if you see any of your faction waiting on the spawn, as it is annoying to wait for people to do it one at a time. Even if you form the group after the quest has been started, you will get credit for talking to Norsala upon Glop's death.
Rock Lover - Complete the Lost in the Deeps daily 10 times. The quest is only available sometimes, offered by Pyrite Stonetender.
[Heroic] The Stonecore - completed upon killing High Priestess Azil. The heroic counts towards the metas Cataclysm Dungeon Hero and Defender of a Shattered World, and a guild group will earn credit for the Guild Cataclysm Dungeon Hero.
Rotten to the Core - Defeat 60 Devout Followers within 10 seconds during the Azil encounter. This counts for the meta Glory of the Cataclysm Hero.
* It's important to make sure that the encounter has officially started - you must wait for Azil to land and for her shield to fade before nuking the adds.
Nothing here, boss!
The Earthen Ring - you can get to 4360 Honored via quests (beginning at 870 Friendly after Vashj'ir quests and earning 9490 rep unbuffed). Provisioner Arok can be found at 49.1,42.1 in Silver Tide Hollow in Shimmering Expanse.
Therazane - you can get to 3430 Honored via quests (beginning at 0 Hated and earning 54400 rep unbuffed). D'lom the Collector can be found at 56.9,13.2 at Therazane's Throne.
Pebble - You first meet this little rock elemental when questing for Kor. He has a series of adorable quests, and eventually becomes the object of the daily quest Lost in the Deeps. Complete this daily 10 times and you have your Pebble!
Tiny Shale Spider - dropped by the rarespawn Jadefang.
* It's easy to reach the cave where Jadefang spawns by using the bombs from the daily quest Underground Economy. If you go to where Pebble spawns for his daily, you will see the cave opening to your right. Simply place a bomb behind you and let it explode you across the gap. Comments on Wowhead suggest a spawn time anywhere between 7 and 13 hours.
Vitreous Stone Drake - dropped by Slabhide in the Stonecore on normal and heroic.
Phosphorescent Stone Drake - dropped by the rarespawn Aeonaxx.
* Spawns in Quartzite Basin and flies to the Temple of Earth. You can put its ID (50062) into NPCScan. When you find Aeonaxx, you mount it and kill it before being overwhelmed by whelpling adds. Melee may have trouble targeting; this can be remedied by facing the tail end.
You can catch Sharptooth from open water, Albino Cavefish from open water and pools, and Lavascale Catfish from open lava. These will count towards the meta achievement The Limnologist.
You can acquire the following fish/meat for their accompanying recipe to get credit towards The Cataclysmic Gourmet. The number in parentheses is the total amount you will need to cook one of each recipe.
Basilisk "Liver" (1) - Basilisk Liverdog
Toughened Flesh (1) - Blackened Surprise
Sharptooth (3) - Fish Fry
Dragon Flank (7) - Broiled Dragon Feast, Grilled Dragon
Lavascale Catfish (6) - Lavascale Fillet, Lavascale Minestrone, Seafood Magnifique
Explore Deepholm - See the locations listed. One of the easier ones to get, so long as you fly over all the different colors on the map. Contributes to the meta-achievements Explore Cataclysm and World Explorer.
Deep Into Deepholm - the zone quest achievement. Although it says 125 on the counter, it's actually 110 quests. Contributes to the meta-achievement Loremaster of Cataclysm.
Fungal Frenzy - Get all 4 debuffs from Poolstool, Shuffletruffle, Shrinkshroom, and Trapcap simultaneously.
* Each debuff lasts for 2 minutes, except for the Trapcap which has no debuff and therefore must be completed last. You get the debuff by destroying the mushrooms while on the Fungal Fury daily, which is offered by Gorsik the Tumultuous every day. Two minutes is very generous, and you should be able to get it in no time once you know what you are looking for.
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Poolstool, Shuffletruffle, Shrinkshroom, Trapcap |
* Anyone in combat with the broodmother gets credit for her surrender. If you see a battle already in progress, make sure that the questgiver is there (he is summoned when you strike the crystal), then jump into the battle and get credit for the surrender. AFTER the battle you can strike the crystal to get credit, then immediately turn it in. You get credit for the achievement when you turn in the quest.
Fungalophobia - Don't take any damage from Fungalmancer Glop's Boom Shrooms. You must be on the Glop, Son of Glop daily quest.
* This only refers to the Boom Shrooms that Glop throws at you during the fight, not the untargetable mushrooms in the cave. You can either avoid the mushrooms he throws or kill them. You get the achievement upon killing Glop.
The Glop Family Line - Complete the Glop, Son of Glop daily 10 times. This quest is only available sometimes, offered by Ruberick after you hit Revered with Therazane.
* I definitely recommend grouping for this if you see any of your faction waiting on the spawn, as it is annoying to wait for people to do it one at a time. Even if you form the group after the quest has been started, you will get credit for talking to Norsala upon Glop's death.
Rock Lover - Complete the Lost in the Deeps daily 10 times. The quest is only available sometimes, offered by Pyrite Stonetender.
[Heroic] The Stonecore - completed upon killing High Priestess Azil. The heroic counts towards the metas Cataclysm Dungeon Hero and Defender of a Shattered World, and a guild group will earn credit for the Guild Cataclysm Dungeon Hero.
Rotten to the Core - Defeat 60 Devout Followers within 10 seconds during the Azil encounter. This counts for the meta Glory of the Cataclysm Hero.
* It's important to make sure that the encounter has officially started - you must wait for Azil to land and for her shield to fade before nuking the adds.
Nothing here, boss!
The Earthen Ring - you can get to 4360 Honored via quests (beginning at 870 Friendly after Vashj'ir quests and earning 9490 rep unbuffed). Provisioner Arok can be found at 49.1,42.1 in Silver Tide Hollow in Shimmering Expanse.
Therazane - you can get to 3430 Honored via quests (beginning at 0 Hated and earning 54400 rep unbuffed). D'lom the Collector can be found at 56.9,13.2 at Therazane's Throne.
Pebble - You first meet this little rock elemental when questing for Kor. He has a series of adorable quests, and eventually becomes the object of the daily quest Lost in the Deeps. Complete this daily 10 times and you have your Pebble!
Tiny Shale Spider - dropped by the rarespawn Jadefang.
* It's easy to reach the cave where Jadefang spawns by using the bombs from the daily quest Underground Economy. If you go to where Pebble spawns for his daily, you will see the cave opening to your right. Simply place a bomb behind you and let it explode you across the gap. Comments on Wowhead suggest a spawn time anywhere between 7 and 13 hours.
Vitreous Stone Drake - dropped by Slabhide in the Stonecore on normal and heroic.
Phosphorescent Stone Drake - dropped by the rarespawn Aeonaxx.
* Spawns in Quartzite Basin and flies to the Temple of Earth. You can put its ID (50062) into NPCScan. When you find Aeonaxx, you mount it and kill it before being overwhelmed by whelpling adds. Melee may have trouble targeting; this can be remedied by facing the tail end.
You can catch Sharptooth from open water, Albino Cavefish from open water and pools, and Lavascale Catfish from open lava. These will count towards the meta achievement The Limnologist.
You can acquire the following fish/meat for their accompanying recipe to get credit towards The Cataclysmic Gourmet. The number in parentheses is the total amount you will need to cook one of each recipe.
Basilisk "Liver" (1) - Basilisk Liverdog
Toughened Flesh (1) - Blackened Surprise
Sharptooth (3) - Fish Fry
Dragon Flank (7) - Broiled Dragon Feast, Grilled Dragon
Lavascale Catfish (6) - Lavascale Fillet, Lavascale Minestrone, Seafood Magnifique
09 February 2011
Cataclysm Dailies Guide
Love them or hate them, dailies are an important source of rep, gold, and even activity for WoW players. If you're like me, you probably eat up the first two and wish you could spend the third doing heroics, PVP, or playing an alt. In order to be more efficient with my dailies, I've written the following guide for Cataclysm dailies.
**In researching the wowhead links I've found inaccurate or missing information on gold rewards and especially guild reputation. I've been doing the dailies myself to take notes but please let me know if I have any numbers wrong!! (Especially since I have the +10% rep gain from guild level!!)
This depends on what you want out of dailies. All dailies provide some amount of gold. The cooking and fishing dailies give skill points in those professions. The cooking and JC dailies award tokens used to purchase recipes, and the fishing daily awards a bag that may contain (extremely cheap) vendor trash, a companion pet, or the Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat. Ramkahen, Therazane, Dragonmaw/Wildhammer, and the Tol Barad factions give dailies for rep, which leads to gear, and Tol Barad dailies also award tokens used for gear, PVP items, mounts, and a companion pet.
How and where you go is also affected by the use of portals and hearthstone(-like) cooldowns. Queues for heroics or pvp do take time, not to mention the time spent doing the activity you queued for, so time is also a prioritizing factor.
Get your rep tabard on. If necessary, keep your 2nd spec gear in your bags. If you accept an invite while questing, put yourself in a safe place before accepting! If you don't want, or have time to do dailies, skip them! Especially if your time is limited, start with the dailies you need most and work down the priority list. If possible, group for named-mob quests to avoid wasting time.
As you may have noticed, there are more quests than you can complete in one day! Hopefully the flowchart should help you utilize your time and 25 dailies to get the most out of your rep and gold grinds. In depth breakdowns of each available daily can be found below - take note that the Tol Barad dailies give the most gold for your time if you don't need to work on rep. I also strongly advise against Ramkahen's Fire from the Sky daily, unless you need the achievement, are ridiculously efficient at it, or are desperate for rep and unable to do dailies with the tabard.
ROUND 1 - one shots
Fishing dailies - (1 of possible 5)
Clammy Hands
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +1 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
No Dumping Allowed
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +1 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
A Staggering Effort
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +2 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
A Furious Catch
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +1 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
A Golden Opportunity
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +1 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
Hitting a Walleye
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +1 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
Diggin' for Worms
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +2 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
Rock Lobster
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +1 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
Big Gulp
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +1 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
Thunder Falls
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +1 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
Cooking dailies - (1 of possible 5)
Careful, This Fruit Bites Back
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +1 cooking | 1 Chef's Award | 9g40s
Crawfish Creole
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +2 cooking | 1 Chef's Award | 9g40s
Even Thieves Get Hungry
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +1 cooking | 1 Chef's Award | 9g40s
Everything Is Better with Bacon
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +1 cooking | 2 Chef's Awards | 9g40s
Stealing From Our Own
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +1 cooking | 1 Chef's Award | 9g40s
A Fisherman's Feast
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +1 cooking | 1 Chef's Award | 9g40s
Feeling Crabby?
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +1 cooking | 2 Chef's Awards | 9g40s
Orphans Like Cookies Too!
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +1 cooking | 1 Chef's Award | 9g40s
Penny's Pumpkin Pancakes
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +1 cooking | 1 Chef's Award | 9g40s
The King's Cider
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +2 cooking | 1 Chef's Award | 9g40s
[475 JCs only] Jewelcrafting dailies - (1 of possible 5)
A Present for Lila
40 guild | 1 Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Token | 16g54s
Elemental Goo
40 guild | 1 Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Token | 16g54s
Nibbler! No!
40 guild | 1 Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Token | 16g54s
Ogrezonians in the Mood
40 guild | 1 Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Token | 16g54s
The Lastest Fashion!
40 guild | 1 Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Token | 16g54s
Thieving Little Pluckers
150 Ramkahen/18 guild | 7g85s
Fire From the Sky
250 Ramkahen/25 guild | 10g46s
ROUND 2 - Tol Barad extravaganza
Tol Barad - available to the controlling faction only
Static Quests - Commander Zanoth / Sergeant Parker - these are available every battle
A Huge Problem
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
Swamp Bait
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
The Leftovers
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
Cluster Quests - one set of these clusters is available, but changes after each battle (it is possible to get all 3 clusters in 1 day)
D-block - Drillmaster Razgoth / 2nd Lieutenant Wansworth
Cursed Shackes
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
Cursed Depths - Private Garnoth / Commander Stevens
Clearing the Depths
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
The Imprisoned Archmage
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
Learning From the Past
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
The Hole - Staff Sergeant Lazgar / Marshal Fallows
Food From Below
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
Prison Revolt
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
The Warden
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
Tol Barad Peninsula - available to both factions: 1 of several possible quests will be available for each section, taking you in a natural loop around the island
Wellson Shipyard
Bomb's Away!
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
WANTED: Foreman Wellson
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
Watch Out For Splinters!
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
Largo's Overlook
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
Taking the Overlook Back
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
ROUND 3 - Dragonmaw / Wildhammer
Dragonmaw Clan
Another Maw to Feed
250 Dragonmaw/31 guild | 13g15s50c
Bring Down the High Shaman
350 Dragonmaw/38 guild | 18g
Crushing the Wildhammer
250 Dragonmaw/31 guild | 13g15s50c
Total War
250 Dragonmaw/31 guild | 13g15s50c
Wildhammer Clan
Beer Run
250 Wildhammer/31 guild | 13g15s50c
Fight Like a Wildhammer
250 Wildhammer/31 guild | 13g15s50c
Keeping the Dragonmaw at Bay
250 Wildhammer/31 guild | 13g15s50c
Never Leave a Dinner Behind
250 Wildhammer/31 guild | 13g15s50c
Warlord Halthar is Back
350 Wildhammer/38 guild | 18g
ROUND 4 - Therazane
* one of these is available each day
[R] requires revered with Therazane, only one is available each day
The Pale Roost
[R] The Restless Brood
350 Therazane/31 guild | 17g20s
Crumbling Depths
* Underground Economy
250 Therazane/25 guild | 10g46s
Fear of Boring
250 Therazane/25 guild | 10g46s
* Beneath the Surface
250 Therazane/25 guild | 10g46s
250 Therazane/25 guild | 10g46s
* Lost in the Deeps
250 Therazane/25 guild | 10g46s
Crimson Expanse
[R] Glop, Son of Glop
350 Therazane/31 guild | 17g20s
Through Persistence
250 Therazane/25 guild | 10g46s
Soft Rock
250 Therazane/25 guild | 10g46s
Fungal Fury
250 Therazane/25 guild | 10g46s
**In researching the wowhead links I've found inaccurate or missing information on gold rewards and especially guild reputation. I've been doing the dailies myself to take notes but please let me know if I have any numbers wrong!! (Especially since I have the +10% rep gain from guild level!!)
This depends on what you want out of dailies. All dailies provide some amount of gold. The cooking and fishing dailies give skill points in those professions. The cooking and JC dailies award tokens used to purchase recipes, and the fishing daily awards a bag that may contain (extremely cheap) vendor trash, a companion pet, or the Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat. Ramkahen, Therazane, Dragonmaw/Wildhammer, and the Tol Barad factions give dailies for rep, which leads to gear, and Tol Barad dailies also award tokens used for gear, PVP items, mounts, and a companion pet.
How and where you go is also affected by the use of portals and hearthstone(-like) cooldowns. Queues for heroics or pvp do take time, not to mention the time spent doing the activity you queued for, so time is also a prioritizing factor.
Get your rep tabard on. If necessary, keep your 2nd spec gear in your bags. If you accept an invite while questing, put yourself in a safe place before accepting! If you don't want, or have time to do dailies, skip them! Especially if your time is limited, start with the dailies you need most and work down the priority list. If possible, group for named-mob quests to avoid wasting time.
![]() |
Dailies flowchart |
ROUND 1 - one shots
Fishing dailies - (1 of possible 5)
Clammy Hands
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +1 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
No Dumping Allowed
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +1 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
A Staggering Effort
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +2 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
A Furious Catch
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +1 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
A Golden Opportunity
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +1 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
Hitting a Walleye
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +1 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
Diggin' for Worms
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +2 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
Rock Lobster
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +1 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
Big Gulp
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +1 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
Thunder Falls
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +1 fishing | Bag of Shiny Things | 16g54s
Cooking dailies - (1 of possible 5)
Careful, This Fruit Bites Back
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +1 cooking | 1 Chef's Award | 9g40s
Crawfish Creole
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +2 cooking | 1 Chef's Award | 9g40s
Even Thieves Get Hungry
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +1 cooking | 1 Chef's Award | 9g40s
Everything Is Better with Bacon
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +1 cooking | 2 Chef's Awards | 9g40s
Stealing From Our Own
250 Orgrimmar/40 guild | +1 cooking | 1 Chef's Award | 9g40s
A Fisherman's Feast
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +1 cooking | 1 Chef's Award | 9g40s
Feeling Crabby?
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +1 cooking | 2 Chef's Awards | 9g40s
Orphans Like Cookies Too!
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +1 cooking | 1 Chef's Award | 9g40s
Penny's Pumpkin Pancakes
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +1 cooking | 1 Chef's Award | 9g40s
The King's Cider
250 Stormwind/40 guild | +2 cooking | 1 Chef's Award | 9g40s
[475 JCs only] Jewelcrafting dailies - (1 of possible 5)
A Present for Lila
40 guild | 1 Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Token | 16g54s
Elemental Goo
40 guild | 1 Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Token | 16g54s
Nibbler! No!
40 guild | 1 Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Token | 16g54s
Ogrezonians in the Mood
40 guild | 1 Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Token | 16g54s
The Lastest Fashion!
40 guild | 1 Illustrious Jewelcrafter's Token | 16g54s
Thieving Little Pluckers
150 Ramkahen/18 guild | 7g85s
Fire From the Sky
250 Ramkahen/25 guild | 10g46s
ROUND 2 - Tol Barad extravaganza
Tol Barad - available to the controlling faction only
Static Quests - Commander Zanoth / Sergeant Parker - these are available every battle
A Huge Problem
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
Swamp Bait
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
The Leftovers
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
Cluster Quests - one set of these clusters is available, but changes after each battle (it is possible to get all 3 clusters in 1 day)
D-block - Drillmaster Razgoth / 2nd Lieutenant Wansworth
Cursed Shackes
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
Cursed Depths - Private Garnoth / Commander Stevens
Clearing the Depths
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
The Imprisoned Archmage
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
Learning From the Past
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
The Hole - Staff Sergeant Lazgar / Marshal Fallows
Food From Below
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
Prison Revolt
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
The Warden
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 18g80s
Tol Barad Peninsula - available to both factions: 1 of several possible quests will be available for each section, taking you in a natural loop around the island
Forgotten Hill
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's.38/ guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
The Restless Front
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
Bomb's Away!
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
WANTED: Foreman Wellson
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
Watch Out For Splinters!
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
Farson Hold
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
Cape of Lost Hope
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
350 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
The Darkwood
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
Rustberg Village
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
Taking the Overlook Back
250 Hellscream's or Baradin's/38 guild | 1 Tol Barad Commendation | 16g54s
ROUND 3 - Dragonmaw / Wildhammer
Dragonmaw Clan
250 Dragonmaw/31 guild | 13g15s50c
Another Maw to Feed
250 Dragonmaw/31 guild | 13g15s50c
Bring Down the High Shaman
350 Dragonmaw/38 guild | 18g
Crushing the Wildhammer
250 Dragonmaw/31 guild | 13g15s50c
Total War
250 Dragonmaw/31 guild | 13g15s50c
Wildhammer Clan
Beer Run
250 Wildhammer/31 guild | 13g15s50c
Fight Like a Wildhammer
250 Wildhammer/31 guild | 13g15s50c
Keeping the Dragonmaw at Bay
250 Wildhammer/31 guild | 13g15s50c
Never Leave a Dinner Behind
250 Wildhammer/31 guild | 13g15s50c
Warlord Halthar is Back
350 Wildhammer/38 guild | 18g
ROUND 4 - Therazane
* one of these is available each day
[R] requires revered with Therazane, only one is available each day
The Pale Roost
[R] The Restless Brood
350 Therazane/31 guild | 17g20s
Crumbling Depths
* Underground Economy
250 Therazane/25 guild | 10g46s
Fear of Boring
250 Therazane/25 guild | 10g46s
* Beneath the Surface
250 Therazane/25 guild | 10g46s
250 Therazane/25 guild | 10g46s
* Lost in the Deeps
250 Therazane/25 guild | 10g46s
Crimson Expanse
[R] Glop, Son of Glop
350 Therazane/31 guild | 17g20s
Through Persistence
250 Therazane/25 guild | 10g46s
Soft Rock
250 Therazane/25 guild | 10g46s
Fungal Fury
250 Therazane/25 guild | 10g46s
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